Wednesday 27 April 2016

Here Is Why Paying For The Date Is Not Always About The Money

So, you’ve spotted this woman at your local Starbucks, or grocery store, or tagged in a friend’s Facebook photo. You’ve started up a conversation, and she has agreed to spend some time with you. Let’s keep it simple and say you go to dinner.

Everyone should be politically oriented. Read this post by a Facebook friend - Ekhaguere Deborah

It is often to hear people (Ladies especially) say they give no mind to Politics as it does not affect them. The reason why we should all reflect on this...

Thinking out loud

She sits down and puts her hand to her pounding chest. Thinks of all she has lost and will lose. All she has had and will have. It becomes clear to her that life is like gathering berries into an apron with a hole while walking along the road.

It takes a very high level of street wisdom to settle a fight, let alone a street one... Here's my story...

Have you ever been slapped by a man in uniform? A soldier, to be precise? If you've not, you may not understand my plight.
This happened almost six months ago and I still feel the hurt.

Set your goal and get it.

We shouldn't be as impressed with goal setting as we are with goal getting. Reaching new goals and moving to a higher level of performance always requires transformation, and transformation feels awkward. We just have to take comfort in the knowledge that if modification doesn't feel much or slightly uncomfortable, then we probably are not yet modified after all.


It is a good thing to be SMART. It is a better thing to be WISE. But when you're smart and wise... WOW!

Nothing confuses me more. Lol

I'm still yet to understand why I would apply chloramphenicol to my eye and feel nothing in the eye but then feel a bitter taste in my mouth. I understand that there's a hole that links the nostrils with the mouth, but this? I don't get. It awes me always.

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